As our teams have got used to the new technology of Zoom, or Skype, during the Corona time, Dagmar Latuski, Women’s Ministries Director for the Swiss-German Conference, presented the topic of the Women’s Ministries Emphasis Day as a zoom sermon. The topic "The love of Jesus moves me" was exactly right at this time. How do we pass on love and hope during this time? We were a small group of women who studied the Bible text "For Christ’s love compels us" 2 Corinthians 5:14 (NIV). Even at times such as these we can be aware of the fact that we can make a difference for Jesus. As nice as such zoom meetings are, many women are looking forward to a time when they can meet again in person soon.
Reported by Dagmar Latuski
Zoom Meeting on the International Day of Adventist Women on June 13, 2020