Women’s Sabbath in Singen am Hohentwiel, Germany

Women in Charge of the Church on April 2, 2016

The adventist church in Singen has a women’s group consisting of 20 to 25 ladies who meet once a month. These meetings have a social character and a spiritual topic is treated while tea and snacks are served. The topics can be varied and presented in different forms. One of the ladies may prepare a theme or they watch a DVD together, which is then the basis for discussion. Once a year the women’s group organizes a “Women’s Sabbath” in the church and this year.
The whole service was planned and presented by the women’s group. The varied musical program with songs and instrumental music as well as the sermon by the guest speaker Hannele Ottschofski on the topic of “Seeing with new eyes” made for an impressive worship service. After a delicious potluck lunch organized for the whole church there was an afternoon meeting with Hannele on the topic of “The Essence of Faith."
According to a report by Kati Erin