Women’s Outing in Palma de Mallorca, Spain

Women of the Bible and Me

On Saturday, April 8, the Women's Ministries group of the church of Palma invited all the women to participate in an outing in which they could meet with God, in nature, and strengthen bonds among themselves.
Since we wanted to make participation as easy as much as possible, we chose a recreation area in the Consell/Alaró area and organized the train ride. In this way, we were able to enjoy companionship right from the start. It was a splendid day and, thank God, we were able to meet about forty women of very different ages.
We took the opportunity to deepen our understanding of the message that some of the women in the Bible have for us today, like the woman with the flow of blood, Rhode, Miriam, Naomi, the captive girl, or the Samaritan woman. These women have left us messages about the importance of a truly consecrated life that impacts those around us, letting them see the character of Christ. They also show us the need to care for one another, and for everyone, and, of course, the importance of the family (of blood, or choice, like that of the church), among others. By the way, we recommend the series of biblical studies on the subject: "The women of the Bible... and me". They are very interesting.

Ideas, songs, experiences, and much more
We discovered aspects that we don't usually take into account, ideas that deepen, and possible topics to share in the church with the other members.
We also sang together, shared experiences and reflections on the importance of supporting each other, working together, valuing each other, and trusting and working for the Lord. The participation and encouragement of all made it possible for us to enjoy a beautiful and enriching experience.
We hope that this special day will help us to grow in Christ, as persons and as members of his church, to be able to share his love and his message with those around us. We encourage all of you to look for your own special moments.
As reported by Esther Fernández Ramos, from the church of Palma de Mallorca.
Images: Alba Endara, Melanie Noltze and Esther Fernández.https://revista.adventista.es/salida-de-las-mujeres-de-palma-de-mallorca/