Women’s Ministries Retreat in the Berlin-Mid-German Conference

Wolves and Giraffes

Our venue was in a small village with a stone church and a wide view over the fields. About 40 women and two men came together for a retreat in Dahnsdorf from September 27 to 29, 2019. Gabriele Stangl, Women's Ministries Director for the Conference, had prepared everything very well and lovingly with the Women's Ministries team of the Berlin-Mid-German Conference. We received a friendly welcome, nice decoration, great vegetarian meals - we were really pampered!
On Friday evening, the team introduced themselves and the program for the next few days, and we met Ulrike Gelke, the speaker. It was time for rest, listening and many hands-on moments. Singing, praying and talking did us good, as did walks of different lengths . For the social night we had the choice between a cheerful film, a discussion round about sustainability, paper crafts or working with wool ("Bobbel" - wool with beautiful color gradients is the starting material for shawls or scarves).
But now to the "wolves and giraffes": They did not run around in the village, but are a symbol for our patterns of conversation in conflicts: wolves bare their teeth, fight, exert violence. "Tit for tat," "one must answer rudeness with rudeness " ... Giraffes, however, have a particularly large heart because of their long neck, so that there is always enough blood in the head. They stand for learning a language that goes from heart to heart, the so-called "non-violent communication". Ulrike Gelke took us by the hand and explained the four components of "Nonviolent Communication" according to Marshall B. Rosenberg in an entertaining and humorous way.
1. Everything starts with "listening and watching without judgment". Not so easy, because we are constantly evaluating.
2. Perceive and express feelings. We often only feel our emotions when they "boil up". It would be better to talk about things before that, to cry, to laugh.
3. What are the needs behind my feelings? What is important to me, what is valuable?
4. Ask precisely and unambiguously in order to make our lives easier.
We were encouraged to start over again, to ask the right questions and to respect ourselves and others. We had beautiful, blessed days and I can only invite you to come the next time! Thanks to all the helpers who prepared this beautiful weekend, but above all thanks be to our Lord!
Reported by Käthe Leuwer Photo: Jan Kriener