Women’s Ministries Leadership Training Seminars on Video

Leadership Certification, Level 1

A four-level leadership program has been developed because we realize the great need for women to develop skills that will enable them to serve in all areas and on all levels of our church organization. E. G. White reminds us that "There is a higher purpose for woman, a grander destiny. She should develop and cultivate her powers, for God can employ them in the great work of saving souls from eternal ruin" (Evangelism p. 465).
Developing and cultivating the abilities of women is one task of this department, and one to which we are committed.
The curriculum for this program has been divided into eight subject areas. They are:
1. History and Philosophy
2. Biblical Studies
3. People Skills/Personal Growth
4. Speaking Skills
5. Leadership Skills
6. Writing Skills
7. Nurture Projects
8. Outreach Projects
These seminars are offered around the world in different ways. It is most enriching to attend weekend seminars where the topics are presented. But not everybody is able to do so for various reasons. That is why the North American Division has recorded the whole Level 1 seminars as a Video series of short presentations for those who may want to complete them on their own if the certification seminars are not being offered in their region. They are also useful as refresher seminars for those who have already attended and want to go over the material again. The video links to vimeo are provided on the EUD WM homepage women.eud.adventist.org/en/events/ as well as Handout downloads.
At the bottom of the page there is a list you can download where you can make a note of the date when you watch which seminar.