As of October 1, 2017 Silka Donat stepped down from her service as leader of Women’s Ministries in the large Conference comprised of the eastern part of Germany after 19 years of devoted leadership. For most of this time Silke worked as a volunteer without pay with enthusiasm and creativity for the women of her region. Having accepted a career change Silke will no longer be able to continue her work for Women’s Ministries. In recognition of her service Angelika Pfaller, Women’s Ministries Director for the North German Union thanked her for her devotion and gave her a farewell gift on the final morning of the Women’s Congress in Friedensau on September 24. Women from Silke’s team also thanked her cordially. May God bless her in her new duties.
Women’s Ministries Leader in Berlin-Mid-German Conference steps down
Recognition for the service of Silke Donat