Women’s Ministries In-Person Meetings Resume in Tuebingen, Germany

Shaking off pandemic lethary

In 2020, just after the international women’s day of prayer that the women’s ministry group of the local church in Tuebingen, Germany, had organized, the country and the church went into lockdown. In-person church services were canceled for several months, and things went online with zoom meetings. The small women’s group had mainly been making heart-shaped pillows for the University Hospital and this activity was not fit to be taken online. The situation was discouraging and except for a few meetings in times when the Covid infection rate was lower, the group meetings were canceled.
Finally, at the beginning of 2022, when it looked as if it would be possible to start in-person meetings again, the group was called to a planning meeting on zoom to evaluate possibilities, participation, and willingness to restart activities. Plans were made to start meetings as well as organize the women’s prayer Sabbath. It was as if a spark had ignited new creativity.
The first in-person meeting brought 9 women together on March 9, and they hope to include their activities in the new Hope Center that is being developed. On March 12, the church service was conducted by the church women, encouraging church members to trust in God and remember their experiences of God’s leading and help. This was symbolized by stones with which they built a monument of remembrance like Joshua did when Israel crossed the Jordan.
Waking up from the lethargy of the pandemic is not easy, but it is worthwhile. The women are looking forward to the coming monthly meetings when they will be able to connect again. They are seeing their group and the church come to life again.