Raquel Queiroz da Costa Arrais, Associate director of WM at the General Conferencereceived a call to the Northern Asia-Pacific Division with her husband to lead the Women’s Ministries, Children’s Ministry, Family Ministries departments, and the Ministerial Spouses Association. She has, along with Heather Dawn Small, shaped, enriched, and developed the Women's Ministries Division in the General Conference for the past 16 years.
Raquel has been a popular and valued guest speaker in our division whether at conventions, continuing education seminars, or conferences. She was able to inspire the audience with her lively and captivating personality. Her authentic manner made her credible and thus she encouraged and enriched many women. It was important to her to bring women into a personal relationship with Jesus, to discover their gifts and talents, and to use them in service to God and their fellow men.
She was also instrumental in shaping the Scholarship Program and we are very grateful that our division was always included among the recipients. This has benefited many young women who are now serving
I want to join the women of the Inter-European Division in thanking Raquel from the bottom of our hearts for her passion for Women's Ministries, her always listening ear, her appreciation, and the many helpful inputs she has given. We will miss her.
May God's blessings and strength be with her in this new task.
“Be strong and courageous, and do the work. Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the LORD God, my God, is with you. He will not fail you or forsake you. He will see to it that all the work related to the Temple of the LORD is finished correctly” 1.Chronicles 28,20
Women’s Ministries Associate Director Relocates
Heartfelt Appreciation for Raquel Arrais