Women’s Ministries Advisory in Germany

Women’s Ministries leaders gather for a consultation

The annual Women’s Ministries Advisory for Germany was held in Freudenstadt in the Black Forest from January 26 to 28, 2018 with participation of all Conference Womens’s Ministries Directors as well as the Union Director, Angelika Pfaller, for both German Unions. Denise Hochstrasser, WM Director for the EUD and Dagmar Dorn, WM Director-elect for the EUD were welcomed as special and dear guests. Dagmar will take charge of the Department starting in May.
In addition to various agenda topics (statistics, small group initiatives, Girls4Christ, Enditnow, Resources and communication modalities etc.) the main emphasis was on reports from the Conferences as well as prayer and devotional time. Each leader created a visual board of what she sees as the goal of WM in her conference and explained what the picture meant.
The leaders all look back to a blessed time and rejoice that they were able to make plans, including ideas on how to reach out to younger women from 20 to 35, so that the programs would be more attractive to them.
Reported by Jasmin Stanoschefsky, Baden-Württemberg WM leader