True to the motto 'Inspire. Encourage. Design' the church members in the Kassel district of the Mid-Rhenish Conference were able to accompany and witness a young woman presenting her first sermon. That was touching, as was the esteem in which the young sister was held by the congregation. Thank you. We are all learners, and together we can further the growth of new talents.
In the afternoon, after many months of social distanding, the women came together in Kassel for a joyous meeting in person. It was also the occasion to thank Brigitte Hein who was stepping down. She had started women’s activities many years ago. After Dany Canedo’s impulse on Judges chapter 1 a lively exchange followed about how to understand women's roles from that time up to now, while in another room the girls4christ met for a special program.
Reported by the Women’s Ministries Department, Central Rhenish Conference, Germany
Women's Impulse Sabbath in the Kassel District
Several Highlights