Women’s Group Meets in Dillenburg, Germany

Thoughts about Fear

We are all feeling the effects of the corona crisis first hand - the various restrictions have significantly changed both our private and professional lives. Does corona also have a positive impact? The answer is a resounding yes. We have learned what it means to miss companionship and how important it is that we take time for each other.
One last time before the winter break, respecting the Covid regulations, the Dillenburg women's breakfast group came together on the 2nd Sunday of Advent. We knew that we were not allowed to offer buffet foods, but our creative team came up with the idea of exchanging Christmas cookies that all were able to take home.
An important part of the program was the presentation of the theme, “Fear - Wall or Door" by the speaker Ivana Kostadinovic Gigic and the ensuing exchange. Without fear, humans could hardly live today and our ancestors would not have been able to survive. Fear warns us and keeps us from taking irresponsible risks. At the same time, it mobilizes forces, be it for defense or escape. We have learned that fear is not only a negative influence on us but also a drive protection mechanism. God knew at creation that we need fear. Ivana explained clearly that fear is like a door and we should never consider fear as a wall.
At the end of our afternoon, each participant received a colorful Christmas gift. This surprise brought a smile to everyone's face. The next meeting will be in January and all are looking forward to seeing each other again.
According to a report by Mihaela Georg