Women of the Moldova Conference work with ADRA

Help for Ukrainian Refugees in Romania

Women in the churches of the Moldova Conference have been actively involved since the early days of the war in Ukraine.
Women are actively involved with ADRA at the four border crossing points of Siret Customs, Rădăuți Prut Customs, Stânca Costești Customs, and Albița Customs. Here the sisters spent days and nights braving frost, hunger, and fatigue to comfort the broken souls of those who have fled bombs, shelling, looting, and death. The sisters provide a hot tea and a sandwich, a phonecard, diapers for young children, and much, much more.
Also coming to the aid of refugees from Ukraine were hundreds of other sisters who opened their homes to feed and house those who needed a hot meal and a clean bed after weeks of living among ruins and basements. Others also got involved in local churches, which hosted thousands of refugees, offering food, necessities, a kind word and encouragement, prayer support, and emotional support every day.
When blankets, clothes, shoes, food, and more were needed, the sisters mobilized by giving of their own goods, making packages, which were taken to Chernivtsi, Kyiv, Bucha, and beyond.
These efforts, made out of love and without being seen, will be rewarded only by God.
The Women's Ministries Department of the Moldova Conference is and will remain among women and sisters who need prayer, support, comfort, and service!
May God comfort the women, children, and refugees of Ukraine!
Reported by Alina Lupu, Director of Women's Ministries Department, Moldova Conference of Romania