Women in Baden-Württemberg enjoy weekend retreat

Ripe for the Island

„Ripe for the Island” was the motto of the Women’s Retreat of the Baden-Württemberg Conference from October 14 to 16, 2016.
Bernd Wöhner of the DVG (SDA health association in Germany) spoke about coping with stress in a lively, humorous and interesting way. He explained about stressors, stress analysis and coping mechanisms. The Women’s Ministries team had prepared “Islands” in different parts of the venue depicting topics like “harmony”, “freedom from worry”, “strength” and “prayer” where the women could gather and share experiences. The participants enjoyed the relaxed atmosphere, new impulses and the spirit of communion, showing their appreciation for the work of the team with their feedback.
According to a report by Jasmin Stanoschefsky, Leader of Women’s Ministries, Baden-Württemberg Conference