Virtual Christmas

Girls4Christ Christmas Meeting on December 13, 2020

Due to the Corona virus we again had to meet only by zoom. However, this did not diminish the joy and the fun. This time the meeting was under the motto "Christmas". According to what was agreed on at the last meeting in November, all participants prepared home-baked cookies, punch and tea for comsuption in front of the screen. This meant that a cozy atmosphere arose inspite of the distance between each other
The meeting began with listening to the song „Mary did you know" and with an exchange about our favorite Christmas songs and traditions. As we nibbled cookies, we read Romans chapter 8 verse 32 together, and reflected on what it means that "with the Son, all things have been given to us."
To illustrate this, one of the leaders told the story of a famous art collector who, after his death, gave in his will his entire fortune and all his art treasures to the person who would buy the picture of his beloved and deceased son at an auction. As Christians we understand the significance of the story: in the Son, everything is truly given to us! Christmas is a good time to celebrate and reflect deeply on this.
In addition to a deep spiritual impulse, there was, as usual, fun and joy. Two of the leaders had come up with several fun Christmas games. Among other things, Christmas carols had to be gurgled and guessed by the others. Then Christmas carols had to be guessed using emoji pictures. Monkeys covering their ears ("Silent night..."), The screaming emoji and a fir tree ("O, Tannenbaum") and many other funny picture puzzles made the participants laugh. Another game was the so-called Christmas ABC, where we came back to the profound meaning of Christmas. Here we had to name as many things as possible within 30 seconds which have to do with Christmas, according to a certain letter of the alphabet. This was especially difficult for the participants with the letter I. One participant could only think of the word Immanuel, which is actually very touching.After all, that is the center of the meaning of Christmas: Immanuel - God with us. May this thought accompany our participants until January, when the next meeting is scheduled. One of the girls expressesd what we all thought: "It is good to see each other regularly. Even if "only" online, to exchange ideas!"
We hope that other groups will also cultivate fellowship even in these difficult times.