Before the pandemic, the women in Târgu Mureș started a series of evangelistic meetings, entitled “From Friend to Friend,” meeting in a pizzeria with about 25 women once a week. The programs were unforgettable, and some pastors were also involved. During the pandemic, they kept in touch and prayed a lot for their guests.
The Bible verse in Ecclesiastes 11: ESV became true for this group: “Cast your bread upon the waters, for you will find it after many days.” On June 13, two women were baptized as a result of this effort at the Târgu Mureș A church. It was an unforgettable experience and a day of great joy, in which our hearts were filled with prayers of thanksgiving to the Good Lord. They are the first fruit that brought much joy to our hearts! God is great, praise His name! Five people from the prayer group were present at this celebration, who rejoiced and supported this beautiful decision of their sisters. It was a great celebration and they believe the angels joined the prayer group as well, glorifying God's name.
According to a report by Anna Nădășan, Director of the Women's Ministries Department, Southern Transylvania
Transylvania South Conference, Romania
The first fruit of evangelistic meetings