"Boundless Love" is a short film that tells the drama of the sexual slavery of so many girls trapped in trafficking. Loneliness, despair, and distance from their country are some of the elements of fragility highlighted in the 15-and-a-half-minute film. The story, however, goes beyond the description of suffering. A Bible found on the street and the phrase "The Lord is my shepherd" (Psalm 23:1) change lives and bring back hope.
The short film is based on real-life stories portrayed by amateur actors of various nationalities who are members of Adventist churches in Rome as well as various evangelical and Catholic churches. The subject and screenplay are by Adventist pastor Cornelius Benone Lupu, the direction is by Daniel Vele.
"Boundless Love" participates in the competition for the International Short Film Festival "Black Silk Tulips," the short audiovisual festival that tells stories of social interest through selected film works.
The winning film is determined by the number of views, so it is important that, by April 30, the short film garners as many views as possible, via computers and smartphones, both for the message it conveys and to move up in the contest standings.
If it wins, the proceeds will be donated to an ADRA project for an orphanage in Africa.
Watch the short film at this link:
Also, remember to share the film with friends and family. (Possibly the link is only available in Italy).
Reported by Lina Ferrara, Women’s Ministries Director, Italian Union
The short film “Amore sconfinato” (Boundless Love) in the Black Silk Tulips contest.
A Bible found on the street changes a life