On the weekend of March 10-12, 2023, we were able to enjoy the company of Mercedes Martinez, national director of Women's Ministries in Spain as our guest in the church of Palma, Mallorca.
Mercedes presented the program on Friday night and Sabbath morning as well as in the afternoon. In accordance with the International Women's Day of Prayer, the topics chosen were centered on the importance of prayer as an element of our relationship with God. In addition, she wanted to show us how the power of prayer can transform our lives and, through us, the lives of those around us. In the afternoon, we enjoyed a practical workshop that made us realize how many things we can still do.
The titles of the themes were as follows: When a No becomes a YES. Transformation through prayer and a practical seminar on Transforming Prayer. It is always a blessing to be able to listen to someone who depends every day on her relationship with God; someone who manages to make us see that prayer is not a "shopping list", nor an obligation, nor a meaningless ritual. On the contrary, prayer has power. It has power if we put ourselves in God's hands. And for that reason, we must be prepared to receive what we ask for. We cannot ask for the sake of asking, because the Lord promised "ask, and it will be given to you" (Matthew 7: 7). If it seems as if we are not receiving anything, we can by faith trust in God’s love and justice and wisdom.
On Sunday morning we had the opportunity to meet the sisters of the church with Mercedes, to discuss various topics. We listened, talked, shared, and experienced very emotional and touching moments that made us reflect on our reality, what we take for granted, and how our relationship with each other, with the rest of the church, and with our Father should be. With God's help, Mercedes' words this weekend touched hearts that needed them and will help us grow in love, respect, and, especially, in God. Thank you so much, Mercedes!
According to a news item in https://revista.adventista.es/local/ by Esther Fernández Ramos, from the Adventist Church in Palma de Mallorca.
The Power of Prayer
Women’s Ministries in Palma de Mallorca, Spain