This spring, the Overcomers Church in Bucharest celebrated International Women's Ministries Day and Mother's Day together. On Friday evening, Sister Roxana Pârvulescu spoke about some of the women in the Bible and their experiences with God, as presented in the material offered by the General Conference WM department. On Sabbath morning, the church pastor gave the sermon, and there was a lot of special music. In the afternoon, the children of the church, coordinated by their instructors and the mothers presented a wonderful program, in which they gave thanks and glory to God for their mums. Gabriela Bâlbâie, a university professor, presented a devotional message.
The mothers were given small gifts in the form of flowers and fruit. Thanks be to God for such occasions of fellowship.
According to a report by Ana Fetcu, in charge of the Women's Ministries Department, Overcomers Church, Bucharest.
Special Women’s Day in Bucharest, Romania
Program for Mothers