Special Program for Women in Seville, Spain

Prayer warriors

On Sabbath, March 11, 2023, the International Day of Prayer was celebrated at the Seville Adventist Church. It was a very special program, which lasted all day, with our guest and psychologist Millys Sanchez from Malaga.
In the morning, the central theme was entitled "In your cave, God", a message that referred to the mercy and deep love of Jesus towards us. For this, our special guest took as an example the story of Elijah: After witnessing great miracles as an answer to his prayers, the moment of adversity arrived. Elijah felt fear, and loneliness, he even doubted God's power, he feared for his life and fleed, and it is there that the Lord acted as a gentle voice and Elijah regained his strength.
It is the same with humankind today. During times of trials and difficulties, we forget the wonders done by our Lord. At such times we must cling more tightly to his mighty hand.
As Christians, we are not exempt from going through moments of anxiety and depression, but we have within our reach a powerful weapon: prayer. We only have to be at the disposition of His Holy Spirit, who helps us to be victorious.
As women, disciples of Jesus, we are called to work and pray, pray with faith, perseverance, and trust, giving thanks to God in everything and for the benefit of our neighbor.
You are invited to be a Warrior of Prayer! We are sure that we are not alone, the Lord is waiting for us with open arms.
Unloading the Mental Burden
In the afternoon we held a workshop entitled "Unloading the Mental Burden". In this program, we included both men and women, because today this scourge affects us all. We were able to understand this issue and work as a team, leave perfectionism behind, understand that we are different, and do things in the best way.
We live in a world in which we must know how to manage our emotions, so as not to reach the point of suffering under "mental burdens". Something very important is the daily communion with God through his word, prayer, and praise. Before carrying out our activities, meditating on Jesus refreshes the soul, we recover strength and energy. As "prayer warriors", let us persevere to the end, and be a blessing to those who need Jesus in their lives.
It was a day of fellowship, both at lunchtime and at the end of the program. We rewarded our ladies with floral bouquets and as a reminder, a beautiful bookmark. The program culminated with a delicious snack.
These programs and many more topics of interest are available on the Seville Adventist Church's YouTube channel.
We thank God for allowing us to enjoy and celebrate with our ladies, by fulfilling the objective of reaching their minds and hearts through His Word. May the Lord allow us to be a great blessing in this ministry.
According to a news item in https://revista.adventista.es/local/ by Andrea Rengifo, director of Women's Ministries of the Adventist church in Seville.