Scholarshipping Our Sisters

Scholarshipping Our Sisters


The Women’s Ministries Department is very much interested in helping young women achieve their educational goals so that they can serve God through the Seventh-Day Adventist Church. The group working with the scholarship program gathers at the General Conference from time to time to discuss things and prepare materials, as well as choose the most deserving applicants for a scholarship. Rebecca Turner presents a couple of them in the video we are sharing with you on the GC Women’s Ministries facebook page
The General Conference Department of Women's Ministries (GC WM) scholarship program is established to give scholarships to women who are committed to serving the mission of the Seventh-day Adventist Church who would otherwise be unable to afford a Christian education. Scholarship awards are based on academic achievement, financial need, and community outreach. Specific amounts of scholarship awards vary each year and are dependent on the amount of funds available. Scholarships may only be obtained through your home divisions.

At the Inter-European Division, since 2012 we have awarded 73 scholarships to young women who have studied theology, social sciences, or education at Adventist Universities. Many now work as pastors in the various Unions of our division. The funds come in part from the General Conference scholarship fund but also from private contributions and collections at women’s retreats. If you want to help, you can financially contribute to the EUD WM scholarship fund. Contact us, we are happy to assist you.