Due to the great demand by hospitals for pillows the women’s sewing group of the SDA church in Kisdorf, Germany, asked for support of their project through an article in the local paper. The reaction was overwhelming and they received fabrics, stuffing and money for the project. Now they wanted to thank all donors and again the newspaper reported on their project. By the end of 2016 they had been able to give away 2000 pillows.
The heart-shaped pillows are given to hospitals where they are presented to breast-cancer patients. Placed under the arm they relieve pain. The group has also knitted cute bootees and bonnets for premature babies. The sewing group is open to whoever wants to join, whether they have sewing skills or not. All are welcome to help in some way and get to know each other with a cup of tea.
Report on Women's Ministry Group in Local Newspaper
Heartshaped Pillow Action finds support