Oh, Dear, What to Wear!

Ardis Dick Stenbakken, former GCWM Director

And he said, “These are they who have come out of the great tribulation; they have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.”

Revelation 7:14 NIV

Ever since Adam and Eve sinned, women have been accused of saying they have nothing to wear, but the fact is that Adam apparently also said he had nothing to wear. Whether or not women have more problems finding something to wear than do men, I know that I have a full closet but sometimes feel like I don’t have the appropriate things for a particular occasion.

Clothes were an important topic even in Bible times. Clothing was very expensive and, of course, had to be handmade, a very labor-intensive project. Most clothing was made of wool, but some also of linen, animal skins, and possibly even some silk. And if you were rich enough, you might even have gold thread woven into the fabric.

Several years ago, I noticed how often clothing was mentioned in the Bible, so I decided that as I read through my Bible for the year, I would note any mention of clothing of any type. I found 359 references – and I am sure I missed some. There are literal passages, such as the detailed instructions as to how the priest’s clothing was to be made and worn, symbolic references in which “God becomes like clothing to me” (Job 30:18 NIV), and spiritual clothing (2Corinthians 5:1-5). Clothing was an important part of the spoils of war (Judges 5:30). It was as important as gold and silver for theft, and the sign of total despair was for one to tear his or her clothing (Joshua 7).

It is interesting that every time Joseph had a major change in his life story, he changed his clothes – or they were changed for him. Clothing also figures importantly in the Esther story.

Jesus began His life wrapped in swaddling clothes, people threw clothing on the ground in front of Him at the triumphal entry (Matthew 21:8), and He ended His life naked on the cross, while the soldiers gambled for his one-piece robe. He told stories such as the wedding guest who didn’t have a garment (Matthew 22:11,12) and rebuked the Pharisees for loving long fringes on their garments. He also cautioned us not to worry about what we are going to wear (Matthew 6:28-30). White cloth was difficult to get – the bleaching process was long and expensive – so when the Bible mentions Christ robed in white and Revelation tells us we will receive a white robe (Revelation 6:11), it is significant. Then, we will really be properly dressed for the occasion.

Notes of Joy, Copyright © 2017 by Pacific Press Publishing Association

Ardis Dick Stenbakken, former GCWM Director