Devenir une femme vaillante - 9 clés pour se révéler is an interesting book for women written by Lynn Mazarin and illustrated by Inès Paillié, released in October 2022 ( Including practical exercises, it is not just a lot of theory but will be a tool to be used in daily life.
You are unique. You are precious. You are a gift to this world. And you have a mission: to shine, to spread a fragrance of goodness to those around you. Are you sometimes dissatisfied with your life? How can you develop yourself to the fullest extent of your abilities and gifts? How do you overcome trials and face difficulties? How can you find the path that best suits you?
With a very concrete approach, Lynn Mazarin combines her coaching practice, her knowledge of psychology, and her faith to help her sisters find solid backing that will allow them to progress and win!
Lynn Mazarin is a management trainer and consultant coach. She teaches courses in business schools, conducts corporate training sessions in companies, and accompanies many people in professional reorientation. After creating the Sunny Boxes, she now shares new secrets of success!
Inès Paillié is a jack of all trades, overflowing with creativity: watercolor, Indian ink, digital drawing. This is her first book as an illustrator.
New Book for Women in French
Becoming a woman of valor - 9 Keys to Discovering Yourself