Before the world changed, the women in the Hanse Conference of Germany organized some events. Therefore we would like to report about the motivation workshop in Hamburg with Steffi Hansen on February 23, 2020. Steffi presented a very practical workshop where she explained from A to Z how to start a sewing circle. With a very professional PowerPoint presentation she showed what has to be considered when starting a sewing circle. Then she went straight into the practical side. With prepared patterns the women made heart cushions, reading “bones” and mobile phone holders under her guidance. For some of them it was an emotional challenge to venture to the star beds for still-born babies.
It is always a pleasure to observe how participants who at first are skeptical turn into inspired women. The next motivation workshop will hopefully take place in September with Benny Brunotte and the ICor project. Photos: WM Hanse Conference
Reported by Nancy Duske, Women's Ministries Director, Hanse Conference, North German Union
Motivation Workshop Hamburg, Germany
Sewing Circle Project Promotion