Let God’s Word be your Personal Lamp

Isabel Rodriguez

Your word is like a lamp that shows me the way. It is like a light that guides me.

Psalm 119:105 NIRV

I had been praying for some time for something special. I was looking for a way to make the Bible more personal for women, but I did not know how to do that.

Then, one weekend I went on a trip to a friend's house. As a present for my hostess, I made her a decoration using the Lettering Technique and wrote a very well-known verse. “A person with unfaithful friends soon comes to ruin. But there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother” Proverbs 18:24 NIRV. I only made one small change: “But there is a friend who sticks closer than a sister.”

When she read the text, her eyes glazed over, and I realized that this was the answer to my prayers.

Every day we read our Bibles but we often fail to connect with our reading. It does not seem to speak to us personally. But if we adapt the texts from the masculine to the feminine form they are made more personal for us women. We have to personalize the Bible, make it our own so that it is not so distant.

When I studied theology, what I liked the most was to take parts of the Bible and deepen them in such a way that a text that before had no special meaning became personal for me. That's why it is important to know the context in which texts were written.

When you read your Bible, put in your name. Change the words to include your name. Do not forget that the Bible is a letter to you and it only has an effect on your life if you read it and start living what you read. Psalm 119:105 says that the Bible is a lamp. Light that lamp right now and let your life shine on your environment. It will make a difference in your life and the lives of others.

Isabel Rodriguez