Kingdom Culture

Pulsemeet 2024

Pulsemeet 2024 occurred from February 21 to 24 in Schwäbisch Gmünd, Germany. This event, organized by the EUD Youth Department, is the international meeting place, where Youth leaders gather together to learn, exchange, teach, enjoy, and foster the church's youth leadership.

This year's motto was: Kingdom Culture: Disciple. Act. Care. Share.

As leaders in our church, how can we contribute to creating (or maintaining) a kingdom culture at our church or youth group? Jesus spoke about the kingdom of God on numerous occasions. To be honest, our churches don’t always reflect a healthy culture. Instead of connection, love, fellowship, kindness, forgiveness, and centering on others, we find division, selfishness, dishonesty, resentment, gossip, and self-centeredness. But as disciples of Jesus we can make a difference.

Women’s Ministries was also present with a workshop and a booth on the topic of enditnow at the Market of Opportunities. There is no place for violence in God's kingdom, and we continue to educate and raise awareness, building a safe space for all who are at risk