March 9 was an unforgettable day in the FIȚCĂU Church. With great enthusiasm, the whole church family enjoyed the presentation entitled "Ignite your life with prayer!" with the sisters. We live in very troubled times when we face many difficulties and problems in our personal lives, families, and all areas of life. Only prayer sustains us and gives us courage in life's struggles. The sermon made clear that prayer has power! We need, more than ever, to kindle the flame of prayer so that it can have an impact on us and everyone around us.
It was a beautiful meeting, full of fire, lots of flowers, and smiles. But more than that, during our time together there was a great awakening and interest in the challenges of life, service in ministry, and the mission to which God calls us. SOLI DEO GLORIA!
Reported by Anna Nădășan, Director of the Women's Ministries Department, Southern Transylvania Conference, Romania
International Women's Day of Prayer
Prayer Has Power