In many formerly communist European countries International Women’s Day is an important event in the annual calendar of celebrations. As the religious festivals were suppressed, other events had to take their place. Thus the observance of International Women’s Day has been much more important in eastern European countries than in the west. The Berlin Senate decided to remedy the lack of public holidays by declaring International Women’s Day on March 8 a public holiday starting in 2019.
This year, though, International Women’s Day will be different, not only in Berlin, where around 10,000 displaced persons from Ukraine are arriving each day on their way to a refuge. In countries like Romania and Poland, International Women’s Day 2022 has become a veritable women’s day, with the Ukrainian women and children crossing the border to safety, where they are received with much solidarity and assistance. There can be no celebrations in the war-torn country of Ukraine for the brave women who are taking their children to safety with the hope of securing the future of their beloved homeland. Let us celebrate these strong women with our prayers and practical help. Let us also celebrate the men and women who are volunteering to provide help at the Ukrainian frontiers. Let us celebrate the families that are providing a place to rest to the arriving families. The assistance they are giving is worth more than a card and a flower that is usually presented on International Women’s Day. The response to this terrible war is huge in all our European countries, showing that humanity still has genuine empathy and decency.
This International Women’s Day will be remembered as we take up the challenge to be God’s arms and hands, eyes, mouth, and ears, to comfort the bereaved and frightened women and children of Ukraine. Let us encounter them with Christian love and deeds. Let us celebrate all women on this International Women’s Day: their loving hearts, strength, courage, creativity and all other positive traits. Thank God for women!