I will Go - Global Women’s Ministries Conference

Two-day Online Event

Women from around the world came together online on October 29, 2021, on youtube and Facebook to celebrate the Women’s Ministries call “I will go – reach my world.“ Heather-Dawn Small and Raquel Arrais of the General Conference Women’s Ministries Department hosted the conference. The speakers on the first day were: Dr. Ella Simmons, Erica Jones, Dr. Katia Garcia Reinert, and Carolyn Rathbun Sutton. Kenia Reyes introduced the reports from world regions which included beautiful musical performances. The encouraging messages and the time spent in prayer touched the hearts of the participants. The comments in the chat section showed appreciation for the program and thanks to God for the wonderful opportunity to join together around the world in this way.
On the second day Dr. Ella Simmons wrapped up in her keynote speech how we need the Holy Spirit when we follow God’s call to go and reach our world. Dr. Linda Koh, who has led the Children’s Ministries Department at the General Conference since 1995 spoke about building bridges for eternity. Dr. Katia Reinert reminded us of how important it is to guard our mental well-being when uncertainty strikes. Dr. Janice Johnson Browne spoke about the amazing power of prayer. In addition to these inspiring messages we were able to continue our trip around the world of Women’s Ministries with reports from the various regions, showing how our women have been involved with helping others during the last 18 months of the Covid pandemic.
This conference has been a joy and a blessing to the women of the church around the world. And yet it ended with a sad moment when Heather-Dawn Small, General Conference Women’s Ministries Director, had to announce the departure of her faithful assistant for the last 16 years, Raquel Arrais. Raquel and her husband have accepted appointments to the North Asia Pacific Division with headquarters in Seoul, Korea, where they will be serving the people of Asia. Heather-Dawn and Raquel have worked so well as a great team and Raquel will be missed in this position around the world. Thank you for your faithful service and my God bless you as you continue on your journey of service.
The whole program will remain on the General Conference Women’s Ministries Youtube channel:
Reported by Hannele Ottschofski