Good News from the Muntenia Conference, Romania

Pampering the Ladies

On March 6, 2022, the Women’s Ministries Department of the Balta Albă church in Bucharest, organized a program called "Pampering the ladies." 83 women attended the diverse program, including 18 interested friends. A part of the church choir presented a special program dedicated to ladies and the new pastor gave a devotional and said a prayer of blessing for all present. Our dear visitors received women's devotionals and also Bibles were offered to those who wanted one. All the ladies present received flowers and a picture card with a poem dedicated to women. A very rich and carefully prepared fellowship meal followed. Afterward, young families then went to the homes of church members who had not been able to come and brought them the gifts they had received from the church. It was an event blessed with God's presence.

During this event, money was collected with which articles of hygiene and blankets were bought for the ADRA refugee centers.

Reported by Elena Petrescu, coordinator of the Women's Ministries Department, Balta-Albă Church, Bucharest