A great adventure started on the weekend of June 23-25, 2023, at the youth hostel in Lüneburg. Girls4christ, a retreat for girls aged 10-15. Alessia Röske, Kirsten Bittner, Nancy Duske, and Cornelia Warning met with 13 girls to get to know God and each other together. Excited and curious, everyone trickled in on Friday afternoon. An unforgettable weekend began. Who will sleep in my room? Will the food taste good? Will we do Crafts? Can we play our favorite games? Do I know the songs we’ll be singing...? The team had to respond to many more questions.
After dinner and checking into our rooms, we started singing songs together - from the Pathfinder songbook. Games that helped us get to know each other made it easier for us to open up to the other participants. A reflective moment with Nancy created in us the mood for the Sabbath. Playing favorite board games, the evening ended with lots of fun.
The Sabbath blessed us with fantastic weather. After a church service, we got to know and appreciate each other more intensively during group games.New friendships were forged during a stand-up theater. These sketches were presented to the others in the evening with much laughter, wit, and fun.
On Sunday, it was clear to everyone that this had been a great weekend and that next year we would be back at the same time and the same place.
We, the team, are thrilled by the girls, their joy in singing, and playing, appreciation for each other, consideration, and interest in hearing what we "old people" have experienced with God in our lives. So today we are looking forward to many more actions with the girls of our conference.
According to a report by Conny Warning, WM leadership team, Hanse Conference
Girls4Christ Weekend in the Hanse Conference, Germany
Girls enjoy friendship and fun