The French outreach magazine Singes des Temps addressed the topic of women and faith in its latest issue (2022-2 no. 1662). Starting with an article about women of faith throughout the Bible, the issue also addresses abuse and violence with an article on protecting those whom God loves so much. Looking back at Christian women of the past and at our times, the magazine also deals with women and how they can feel well in body and soul.
The article “You are His most Beautiful Poem” is especially interesting as it refers to humans as God’s workmanship according to Ephesians 2:10. According to the author, Valérie Duval-Poujol, the Bible offers a positive, liberating message for women today. Jesus during his years on earth had an incredible attitude toward women with consideration, treating them with respect, dignity, and equality. She writes, “If society is a body (we often speak of a social body), we can say that because of the restrictions on women's participation, the prohibitions imposed over the centuries and still today, it is as if this body has been made hemiplegic, deprived of half of its members. The result is a society that is not able to function efficiently, and harmoniously, that struggles, that stumbles. A society where so many of its female members are still suffering because, instead of being considered a peer, they are abused, despised, underpaid, and excluded. Society is undoubtedly in a phase of re-education, a very slow and progressive readaptation, to which we want to participate to accelerate it.” For further reference, the magazine recommends her excellent book La Bible est-elle sexiste? (Is the Bible sexist?)
Reported by EUD WM News
French Signs of the Times on Women and Faith
Whole Issue addresses topics on Women