Family Breakfast in Upper Austria

The Story of Joseph inspires

Sometimes a few hours are enough to create great relationships and to gain valuable experiences with God. Some families were able to experience this at a family breakfast in Feldaist.
On Sunday, July 3rd, we welcomed our guests to the family breakfast in Selker in bright sunshine! Fifteen guests came, quite a few of them were at an Adventist event for the first time. One sister even invited a jogger who was just walking nearby. The lady came and was thrilled! In addition, there were five Ukrainian sisters with us. They enjoy having fellowship with each other and making friends with us. Our good God also sent dear brothers and sisters who had deep conversations with the guests. In total, we were 42 people.
The situation in Ukraine and many other countries of the world makes people ask: Where is God, if....? Based on the story of Joseph, Jacob's beloved son, we reflected on this theme together in a devotional part. In the end, Joseph saved the people of Egypt and his own family.
The insights from the life of Joseph inspired the participants and now they will able to tell the story of Joseph when people ask, "Where is God when... “