EUD Women’s Ministries Advisory in Italy

Union Leaders network

From September 22 – 24, 2019, the Union Women’s Ministries Directors of the Inter-European Division gathered for an advisory at the conclusion of the People 7.0 congress in Italy. Very recently there have been changes in the leadership of the Women’s Ministries Department in the EUD, and so it was a welcome opportunity for the leaders to meet each other. Networking is an important tool. The Women's Ministry Directors represented Austria, Bulgaria, France, Germany, Portugal, Romania and Switzerland. The advisory was led by Dagmar Dorn, EUD WM Director and facilitated by Heather-Dawn Small and Raquel Arrais of the the General Conference Women’s Ministries Department.
Such meetings are occasions on which the leaders share reports of what is being done in their regions but also possibilities of finding new impulses and ideas for service. But it was most of all the opportunity for the new leaders to learn about the details of their new job. Many things like statistics, scholarships and budgets have to be dealt with on a regular basis. A highlight of the meeting was a trip to Venice where the ladies got to know each other better in an informal and friendly atmosphere. We trust that God will bless their efforts in their respective fields as they work to enrich, empower and reach out to other women.Photos: EUD WM