enditnow® Emphasis Day


While visiting an event in an Italian church, a seat on a pew caught my eye. In the sanctuary this place was occupied, not by a person sitting there but by a red handbag, a red scarf and a pair of red women's shoes on the floor. A sign next to it had the following message:

SEAT TAKEN (Posto Occupato) is a tangible gesture dedicated
to all women victims of violence. Each of those women,
before a husband, an ex, a lover, a stranger decided to put an end
to their lives, used to take a seat at a theatre, on a tram, at school,
on a train, in society. We want to reserve this seat for them,
in order not to be submerged by daily life. https://postoccupato.org/[1]

A memorial in the church. A reminder that the victims of violence will not be forgotten.
As a worldwide church, the fourth Sabbath in August is our enditnow® Sabbath with the slogan: ADVENTISTS SAY NO TO VIOLENCE.

We say NO to violence in any form. Actions or threats likely to result in physical, sexual, or psychological harm or suffering are incompatible with biblical ethics and Christian morality and must end. It is a stance that we express not only on this particular Sabbath but on every other day as well. enditnow® is a worldwide church initiative.[2]
Dagmar Dorn, EUD WM Director

Watch an introduction to the topic by the authors of this year’s material packet: https://youtu.be/ikM0NVxq35U

Watch the sermon and seminar presentations WOLVES in Sheep’s Clothing: https://youtu.be/WcbASKPSQqk

You will find the material packet in several languages on our website: https://cloud.eud.adventist.org/index.php/s/ecYTnPw2fb3gpsJ?path=%2F2023
If you cannot address the subject on the allocated day in August, feel free to choose another date. In some countries the enditnow Sabbath is observed near the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women on November 25.

[1] SEAT TAKEN is a free, viral, social awareness campaign against violence against women. AGAINST ALL GENDER-BASED VIOLENCE, 365 DAYS A YEAR.

[2] General Conference Women's Ministries (GCWM) coordinates the production and distribution of the enditnow® Emphasis Day resource packets with contributions from six additional co-sponsoring departments of the General Conference: Children's Ministries, Education, Family Ministries, Health Ministries, Ministerial Association, and Youth Ministries.