Enditnow® is a worldwide church initiative

enditnow® Emphasis Day is on the world church's Calendar of Days and Events. General Conference Women's Ministries (GCWM) coordinates the production and distribution of the enditnow® Emphasis Day resource packets with contributions from six additional co-sponsoring departments of the General Conference: Children's Ministries, Education, Family Ministries, Health Ministries, Ministerial Association, and Youth Ministries.
ENDITNOW® EMPHASIS DAY is scheduled this year for August 27, but the material can be usesd at any time.
This year for enditnow® Emphasis Day we have chosen to focus on "Abuse of Power," an issue that is difficult to address and infrequently spoke about in our church. How do those in power and leadership relate to church members? Many members have had painful experiences that they may have never spoken about but that nonetheless need to be addressed. This is a sensitive topic, and we ask that in all we do and say we do not make general statements about all people in power since this does not apply to all, only to some.

You can download the material from the WM website: https://women.adventist.org/enditnow-day
and also in other languages on: https://cloud.eud.adventist.org/index.php/s/ecYTnPw2fb3gpsJ?path=%2F2022