Enditnow® Day in Luxemburg

It is time to speak out

On January 21, 2023, the Adventist Church of Soleuvre in Luxemburg organized an enditnow® day "Quebrando o Silêncio" on the theme of abuse of power. Most of the time, we are uncomfortable talking about violence and abuse. We prefer to remain silent. Keeping silent also means that we do not want to see it, which leads us to think that what we do not see does not exist. First of all, we must admit that we can all abuse our power in certain areas if we do not allow the Holy Spirit to guide us in all things. The example of David with Bathsheba illustrated the abuse of power in the Bible. The different types of abuse of power were discussed. Paul called us to be imitators of God and to walk in love.
If we live a life marked by Christlike characteristics, our marital and family relationships and our contacts in the Church will be based on equality, respect, and mutual submission, especially to God.
To express their awareness of abuse and their commitment to ending violence, the community was invited to take a stand by writing their name on a hand-shaped sticker and placing it on the enditnow® poster.