Enditnow in Transylvania South Conference, Romania

Enditnow Day in Fagaras

This year, on November 27, the Seventh-day Adventist, the Church in Făgăraș, a city in the center of Romania, celebrated the Enditnow Day for the first time.
“Although we did not hold an impressive celebration, we think that speaking about the abuse of the vulnerable is a first step in stopping the mistreatment and telling the abusers that their behavior takes them further away from God and His image”, said Anamaria Maier. “We have also found it important for the possible victims of abuse to know that they can find refuge in Casa ADRA [the ADRA House], an ADRA Romania `hidden` safe place of refuge for victims of domestic violence, that also provides psychological and legal counseling”, Maier added.
Reported by Ana-Maria Maier, coordinator of the program