Celebrating 25 years of Women's Ministries

Anniversary Celebration in Italy airs on multiple media outlets

25 years of activities and initiatives is quite a milestone for Women's Ministries (WM). This anniversary was celebrated in Italy with an online program on Saturday, January 23, at 4 p.m. The celebration aired simultaneously on hopemedia.it, on Youtube and on the Facebook page of the Adventist Church. The program received 530 views on FB and hundreds more connections on the other channels. If we consider that the program has been watched not only by individuals but also by families and groups of friends, the number of viewers rises further. The numerous comments and compliments received from men and women confirm our joy.
Several guests attended the virtual celebration, including Stefano Paris, president of the Italian Union (UICCA); Gabriela Lio, president of the Federation of Evangelical Women in Italy (FDEI); Raquel Arrais, associate WM director at the General Conference; and Dagmar Dorn, EUD WM director. There were songs, testimonies, experiences. Franca Zucca, long time director of WM in Italy, now retired, gave a brief spiritual message. It was an opportunity to explain the goals of the department which promotes "a ministry for every woman" and to praise and thank the Lord for all He has done so far. Each of the guest speakers dedicated a verse to women. The biblical texts were compiled into a pdf and became a gift from WM for women to download and keep as a reminder of the celebration.
Link to the video of the anniversary: ministerifemminili.uicca.it/25-anni-dei-ministeri-femminili-il-video/
Reported by Lina Ferrara, WM Director, Italian Union