A Woman of Value


On the occasion of the International Women’s Day on March 8, the online news outlet of the Franco-Belgian Union published an article by the Women’s Ministries Director Corina Timofte about the value of women.
"He who finds a wife finds happiness; it is the Lord who gives him this gift. "Proverbs 18:22
Today, women are taking their place in society and in their communities. They often play a determining role in the course of events.
Courageous and bearers of good news, they show all the possibilities of intelligence, courage but also tenderness.
They know how to put their appearances to good use when necessary and also how to enter the spiritual battle. They do not waste their time in vain discussions or useless talk. In difficult situations, they rely on God, the only one who can provide a solution.
God can make them true leaders who are just as gifted as men. Deborah is an example of a leader who had a very important role in her community. She had the support and recognition of the people.
A good woman dedicates her children to the Lord and ensures that they grow in faith.
She seeks to ensure the well-being of her husband and her home.
She strives to be pure before God in her daily thoughts and attitudes.
To be a woman of worth during this particular time is a noble calling. The strength and influence of a righteous woman in our time is immeasurable.
My dear sisters, Let us be a gift from the Lord to those around us, to our communities and to society.
Corina Timofte | Director of Women's Ministries at the Franco-Belgian Union