Give Thanks

Give Thanks

Gloria Barnes-Gregory

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, NIV

The Bible records the story of Hannah in 1 Samuel 1:2-2:21. Hannah was depressed and bitter. Not only was she barren but her husband, Elkannah, had married a second wife who had children for him. Peninnah, the other wife, and her children mocked Hannah. When her heart couldn’t take the pain any longer and her humiliation reached its peak, she went to the place where she felt closest to God and the priest thought she was drunk. She had innocently gone to the temple to plead with God over her barrenness when the priest saw her muttering something and misread her actions.

At first glance at the story, I recognized a possible cause for her utter distress and shame. The Lord had uttered a blessing on the womb of His people. Yet though a godly woman, she was barren. Her womb had not received the blessing that God promised. What had she done or not done to deserve this curse?

A second look revealed another side of the story—a woman loved by an attentive husband. He gave her a double portion of offering for the sacrifice. He playfully assured her that he was worth much more than ten sons. He did not condemn her but loved her and was willing to invest more in the sacrifices, if that would help her feel better. Hannah however was blinded to the many blessings because she was so focused on what she did not have.

Often in our most distressing moments, we tend to focus only on the immediate problem but forget to count our blessings. We forget to refocus and see the number of good and wonderful things in our lives. Pause right this minute and begin to count or acknowledge them. I imagine a smile curling on your lips as your shoulders relax and you are relieved of tension. I hear you saying, “Indeed I have so much for which to thank God.”

Godly woman, there is nothing that you have done to receive the trials and challenges in your life today, but are you seeing the blessings? Can you count the many blessing that you receive each day? Re-shift your focus for a little while and see what God has done and is doing for you. In everything give thanks.

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